Well, it finally happened!
Its been a rollercoaster ride getting to the 1st of July, when we left the dock for the final time from our berth in Portishead and headed out through the lock. All the years of preparation, planning dreaming and scheming had come to this defining point in our lives.
Despite what anyone says, leaving is never easy. Yes, we have the excitement ahead of what’s to come, but we have had to say goodbye to so many family and friends, and its been tough! Of course this is not the end my friend, and we look forward to seeing many of you again in far flung and exotic places onboard azimuth.
Here’s some galleries of a few of the people we have seen over the last few weeks. Please send us any more pictures you want to share, and we will add them here
A few weeks ago, we had a farewell bash with Dom’s band Fat Digester at the Yard Party at the Castle Rock Brewery in Nottingham where we caught up with some of our friends from West Bridgford. Here was Dom thinking this would be the first time he would actually see Fat Digester from in front of the stage! However, they dragged him on stage, and he has been buzzing for weeks after the chance to play with them again. Thanks guys!

Listen to Fat Digester Here (sorry for the plug!)
We celebrated the wedding of Ailsa’s cousin Laura to Ben at an amazing venue near Bolton Abbey. It was a fantastic weekend and a great chance to see the whole of Ailsa’s family. Many thanks to Laura for inviting us!

We celebrated Vinnies 18th birthday. Well done mate! He bought his first round of drinks and they didn’t even ID him. He was well annoyed!

Ailsa’s oldest friends from school came to visit Azimuth for a boozy night even though Ian was supposed to be “taking it easy”! Well done Ian for still managing to get your second black belt the next day!

Dom caught up with Matt & Martin for lunch and reminisced about the “Pink Palace” . They know what I mean!
We had a lovely weekend in Notts visiting family, went out for Sunday lunch and had afternoon tea at Dom’s parents, with enough cakes to sink a small battleship (or even Azimuth!). Thanks guys, we love you all!

That evening we caught some more West Bridgford friends and celebrated another 18th birthday … Well done Arthur!
… And in the last week before we left, we caught up with all our friends in the marina at the Plough in Portishead, where apparently they didn’t have any beer for sale? It was still a lovely evening!

Emotionally exhausted I think is the expression after so many goodbyes!
So finally, the day arrived and away we went. It was awesome to have all the family here and Ethan and Caleb are joining us for the trip to Ireland. Saying goodbye to Vinnie was the hardest of all the goodbyes … we love you mate. We tried to capture the moment on video and with a few pictures!

Stay in touch everyone, and come and visit us anytime!
Lovely podcast and very fulsome. Sad to see you leave though. However, enjoyed our Zoom meeting today and you all seem to be very well and enjoying yourselves, which is great. What a lovely added bonus having the Wales Airshow happening all around you. I’m not sure it’s a great idea waiting for an easterly, though – they hardly ever happen in the Bristol Channel. They are about as common as they are in the English Channel and we know, from experience, how often that happens. You might never leave the Mumbles and make it to Dale (Coincidentally, wasn’t that the town that Smorg attacked in The Hobbit? If so, be very careful).
Should be Smaug, as I’m sure you know: have you seen him yet?
Love you guys
Take care