Sailing Azimuth

Welcome to our blog. Read about our sailing journey and life aboard our Nicholson 58 “Azimuth”. Thanks to everyone that leaves comments. We love to hear from you!

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Latest Posts

  • An Atoll to Ourselves!
    Hi to everyone. Last time we left you we were in Makemo Atoll enjoying the peace and tranquillity. Time for me to catch up with some videos that I took over the last month or so. My laptop has been playing up recently, and it takes ages for it to process the videos. Also, I …
  • Dodging Bommies
    Hi to everyone. last time we posted we had just arrived in the beautiful atoll of Raroia in the Tuamotu Archipelago. This time we will tell you about our exploration of this atoll and where we are currently in Makemo Atoll. The first thing you are probably asking is what are Bommies, and why do …
  • Sailing to the Tuamotus
    French Polynesia is huge! It consists of many groups of islands or archipelagos that cover an area of sea about the size of wester Europe. We have three months to explore this area on our visa and so no chance to cover it all. Having been in the Marquesas Islands for over a month of …
  • Nuku Hiva
    Hi again. Last time we left you we had just arrived at the Island of Nuku Hiva. Well what a place! We loved it so much it is worth a post all of its own. The Marquesas Islands really are a stunning place to visit. Our first stop was the anchorage at Anaho where we …
  • Exploring the Marquesas
    last time we left you we had just arrived and checked in to the Marquesas Islands in French Polynesia after an epic sail half way across the Pacific from Panama. This time we will show you a little bit of the Marquesas that we have seen so far. First impressions …. amazing! This really is …
  • Swimming with Manta Rays
    Hi all. I had to post this video! We have been in this anchorage in the Marquesas called Hanamoenoa Bay for some time. There is a note on the website we use called No Foreign Land that says that Manta Rays visit the bay to feed. The best time to see them is apparently early …
  • Pacific Crossing Video
    Hi Everyone. We have been in the Marquesas for a week now. Its an amazing place. We haven’t done a lot yet though other than relax and recover from the trip. We are actually waiting for the local sail maker to finish repairing our genoa before we can move on to the next islands in …
  • Landfall
    Panama to Marquesas, French Polynesia, Day 30 Hi to everyone! We made it! We feel very happy with ourselves today. A big pat on the back. We have never achieved anything quite like this in our sailing lives, or even everyday lives. 4036 miles of sailing in 30 days half way across the blue Pacific …
  • Ripped Sail Arghh!
    Panama to Marquesas, French Polynesia Day 28 Hi guys. As I write this we are now some 150 miles from Atuona, the port of entry on Hiva Oa, in the Marquesas! But can we get there??? The last couple of days of sailing have been challenging. We go from rolling a round in big seas …

The Route

Distance Travelled 20226486 Nautical Miles
Distance Travelled 20231862 Nautical Miles
Distance Travelled 20245171 Nautical Miles
Total Distance13519 Nautical Miles
Last Update Date13th June 2024
Round the world stats!

See the anchorages we have visited here:

Route Map 2024
Route Map 2023
Route Map 2022
BoatNautical Miles
Grand Total18714
Total miles Dom & Ailsa sailed all time (in our own boats!)