Season 2024

Follow us as we cruise the San Blas in Panama, transit the canal, sail to French Polynesia and the Cook Islands and then on to New Zealand

01 January 2024

Happy New Year & Plans for 2024

Wishing you all a very Happy New Year! How’s the hangover? We hope you all have had a great festive season, and properly manage to celebrate the turn of another year. We have some exciting plans for 2024. We are…

01 January 2024
17 January 2024

Plans have an annoying habit of changing!

Well, I was pretty certain of our plans for 2024, but they did all hinge on one crucial factor. To enter the USA by boat, you have to have a B2 Visa. Normally anyone from the UK entering the USA…

17 January 2024
17 January 2024

My strangest gig ever?!

Last time we left you on Xmas day in the stunning Islas Pinos. This time we will travel a little further in to the Kuna Yana or the San Blas islands and tell you about our adventures. We spent a…

17 January 2024
20 February 2024

More from the San Blas

The last time we spoke, we had just arrived in the Central San Blas Islands. This time, we will tell you a bit more about this beautiful part of the world as we get ready to take the next big…

20 February 2024
23 February 2024

Transiting the Panama Canal

Last time we left you we were anchored in Portobelo. Well it feels like a lot has happened since then! As I write this, Azimuth is now anchored in the Pacific Ocean, and it feels a whole world away from…

23 February 2024
24 March 2024

Work and some play in Panama City

Last time we left you, we had just transited through the Panama Canal and dropped the hook in the Pacific Ocean for the first time. This time we will tell you a little about what we have been up to…

24 March 2024
29 March 2024

Goodbye Panama, Pacific Crossing to Marquesas Day 1

Hi there everyone! I’m writing this onboard Azimuth about 30 miles into our journey, bought to you by the power of Starlink. Here’s our current position as of 1300 local time: lat: 8° 8’58.26″N, lon: 79°12’45.36″W Distance travelled: 30.4 NM…

29 March 2024
30 March 2024

Pacific Crossing Panama to Marquesas Day 2

Hi All. Here’s a quick update on our position on Day 2 of our crossing. We have travelled 203 miles. The average speed is 6.5 knots and last night we posted a speed in an epic surf down some large…

30 March 2024
01 April 2024

Pacific Crossing Panama to Marquesas Day 4

Water Pump Fails!!!! Arghh! Hi there guys. Sorry I didn’t post yesterday. Been a bit busy of late with a new problem onboard. Azimuth like all boats has a pump that gives us tap pressure on the fresh water system,…

01 April 2024
04 April 2024

Panama to Marquesas Day 7

Hi again from Azimuth, bobbing along in the Pacific Ocean. I’m not sure we have had a more perfect day of sailing in our lives! Its magical out here. Blue water, light seas, force 3 winds on the beam and…

04 April 2024
05 April 2024

Fishing disaster!

Panama to Marquesas Day 8 Hi everyone. Well its been another delightful day on the high Pacific seas. Today we have passed North of the Galapagos Islands. A real shame we couldn’t visit them, but the cost to take your…

05 April 2024
06 April 2024

Killer Squid!

Hi from Azimuth on day 9 of our passage from Panama to the Marquesas. But first … here is an important news flash. At approximately 1am on the 9th April 2024, Mrs Ailsa Pearce of Nottingham, UK was violently attacked…

06 April 2024
07 April 2024

Fishing Success!

Panama to Marquesas Day 10 Well, we were beginning to think that that our fishing skills were just not up to the task. 10 days the line(s) have been out and all we have done is snag seagulls and lose…

07 April 2024
09 April 2024

Colombian Fisherman

Panama to Marquesas Day 12 Hi again. We had a fast day of sailing yesterday, covering 175 miles in the day. Today the wind seems to have dropped a bit so far, and we are going slow again. Still flat…

09 April 2024
12 April 2024


Hi everyone! Day 14 of our trip to the Marquesas. And yes we no longer reside in the Northern Hemisphere! We had a little celebration to mark the occasion. Some alcohol may have been involved, hic! The picture on the…

12 April 2024
13 April 2024

Halfway there…

Panama to Marquesas Day 16 Hi guys, quick catch up for you. Today we are sailing fast! The wind has picked up to 15-18 knots on the beam, but the seas are still flat. This is perfect ocean sailing. Here’s…

13 April 2024
15 April 2024


Hi All. Here we are on the Pacific 18 days in to our sail from Panama to the Marquesas Islands in French Polynesia. Here’s our position as of 0915 local time. Yesterday we went through our second time zone of…

15 April 2024
18 April 2024

20 days at Sea!

Panama to Marquesas Day 20 Hi All! Were still going! Yep, 20 days at sea and 2727 miles in to this epic journey. We have passed our previous record for our longest crossing at sea, which was 17 days and…

18 April 2024
18 April 2024

Mahi Mahi for tea!

Panama to Marquesas Day 21 Hi! This fellow did not die in vain. We have Mahi Mahi for tea tonight. Lightly fried with some garlic and lime. What a beautiful coloured fish. And a real fighter too on the line….

18 April 2024
20 April 2024

Massive Squall!

Panama to the Marquesas Islands, French Polynesia Hi again everyone. We were set to eat that Mahi Mahi … then we looked out the window in the fading light and saw the huge squall that was inevitably going to hit…

20 April 2024
23 April 2024

500 miles to go

Panama to Marquesas, French Polynesia Day 25 Hi again. A quick update for you on our progress. We have been making good time the last few days, averaging about 150 miles a day. The seas are pretty rough and side…

23 April 2024
25 April 2024

Ripped Sail Arghh!

Panama to Marquesas, French Polynesia Day 28 Hi guys. As I write this we are now some 150 miles from Atuona, the port of entry on Hiva Oa, in the Marquesas! But can we get there??? The last couple of…

25 April 2024
27 April 2024


Panama to Marquesas, French Polynesia, Day 30 Hi to everyone! We made it! We feel very happy with ourselves today. A big pat on the back. We have never achieved anything quite like this in our sailing lives, or even…

27 April 2024
07 May 2024

Pacific Crossing Video

Hi Everyone. We have been in the Marquesas for a week now. Its an amazing place. We haven’t done a lot yet though other than relax and recover from the trip. We are actually waiting for the local sail maker…

07 May 2024
10 May 2024

Swimming with Manta Rays

Hi all. I had to post this video! We have been in this anchorage in the Marquesas called Hanamoenoa Bay for some time. There is a note on the website we use called No Foreign Land that says that Manta…

10 May 2024
24 May 2024

Exploring the Marquesas

last time we left you we had just arrived and checked in to the Marquesas Islands in French Polynesia after an epic sail half way across the Pacific from Panama. This time we will show you a little bit of…

24 May 2024
07 June 2024

Nuku Hiva

Hi again. Last time we left you we had just arrived at the Island of Nuku Hiva. Well what a place! We loved it so much it is worth a post all of its own. The Marquesas Islands really are…

07 June 2024
10 June 2024

Sailing to the Tuamotus

French Polynesia is huge! It consists of many groups of islands or archipelagos that cover an area of sea about the size of wester Europe. We have three months to explore this area on our visa and so no chance…

10 June 2024
20 June 2024

Dodging Bommies

Hi to everyone. last time we posted we had just arrived in the beautiful atoll of Raroia in the Tuamotu Archipelago. This time we will tell you about our exploration of this atoll and where we are currently in Makemo…

20 June 2024
03 July 2024

An Atoll to Ourselves!

Hi to everyone. Last time we left you we were in Makemo Atoll enjoying the peace and tranquillity. Time for me to catch up with some videos that I took over the last month or so. My laptop has been…

03 July 2024
27 July 2024

Raraka Atoll and Onwards to Tahiti

Last time we left you, we were tucked up in Raraka Atoll in the Tuamotus Archipelago in French Polynesia. This time we show you more of Raraka Atoll and then we sail to Tahiti for our last 10 days in…

27 July 2024
17 August 2024

The friendliest people in the world?

Hi again! Last time we left you we had just left Tahiti and were sailing to the Society Island of Huahine to hide out for a few days whilst we waited for a weather window to continue our journey on…

17 August 2024

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