Follow us as we cruise the Caribbean Sea!

Family Fun in Martinique!
Last time you left us we had just crossed the Atlantic. We had only a few days to wait until the rest of the family flew out for Xmas to come and visit us for a two or three weeks….

Rob Pearce
5th January 1947 – 19th December 2022 One of my fathers favourite authors was Tolkein, so forgive me as I start my eulogy adapting Bilbo Baggins’ scene where he starts to write his book in The Lord of the Rings….

Our First Carnival!
Last time we left you, we had crossed the Atlantic, and had our family out to visit for Christmas and New Year in Martinique. Life has been relatively hectic since then. Very Sadly, we flew back to the UK for…

Fixing Stuff, Resupply and South to St Lucia
Last time we updated you on our journey we were enjoying the Carnival experience in Fort de France in Martinique. In this update, we move the boat to the south of Martinique to Le Marin and then head south to…

Bequia Birthday!
Last time we left you we were in the Rodney Bay in St Lucia. In this post we explore St Lucia a little more, make some new friends, and sail south to the beautiful island of Bequia, one the Grenadines…

More from Bequia
Last time we left you I was celebrating my birthday having just arrived in Bequia. Now we have been here for a few more days let us show you around a bit more of this beautiful Island. Definitely our favourite…

Green Flash
So some of you may have heard of this phenomenon? Under the right conditions, when the sun sets (or rises), just as it disappears over the horizon, there is sometimes seen a green flash of light which lasts a couple…

Exploring the Grenadines
Last time we left you, we were still anchored in Bequia, and having such a nice time, we were somewhat reluctant to move on! But move on we must, and actually, there was a huge amount more of the Grenadines…

Decent Beer, Rainforest & Waterfalls
Last time we left you in Union Island in St Vincent and the Grenadines. This time we sail south again and visit the island(s) of Grenada. First stop was the Island of Carriacou, where we signed in to the country…

Grenadian Life
Last time we talked, we were exploring Grenada. Now having been here in this beautiful place for well over a month, we feel like we are well settled in to Grenadian life! It really is a very relaxed and easy…

Old friends and new in Tobago
Last time we left you we were still in Grenada. This time we will regale you with our recent adventures in Tobago. We are a little behind at the moment, so please bear with us. I am writing this sat…

Its HOT in the boatyard!
Last time we left you we were having fun with friends in the beautiful isle of Tobago. This time we sail to Trinidad and get the boat lifted out for some much needed TLC before heading further on our adventures….

On to the Land of Blue Drinks!
Last time we left you in Trinidad, we were in the boatyard getting Azimuth ready again for the next season. This time we will tell you about the rest of our time in Trinidad and an eventful sail to Curacao….

Stuck in Spanish Waters
Last time we spoke we were in the little island of Curacao. This time, we are still in Curacao and will let you know what we have been up to for the last few weeks. To be honest, not a…

Next Stop Cartagena!
Last time we left you, we were in Curacao. In this update we will tell you about finally pulling up the anchor in Spanish Waters and heading for Cartagena in Colombia. Its the first time that either of us has…

Improving our Spanish in Cartagena!
Hi to everyone. Sorry its been a while since I last did a post. Last time we chatted we had just arrived in Cartagena. This time, we have been here in Cartagena for almost two months are actually in the…

Feliz Navidad from the San Blas!
Merry Xmas to one and all! Just a quick post to wish you all the best for the season. We made it to the beautiful San Blas Islands in Panama and have installed ourselves in a fantastic anchorage. Just to…