Plans have an annoying habit of changing!

Well, I was pretty certain of our plans for 2024, but they did all hinge on one crucial factor. To enter the USA by boat, you have to have a B2 Visa. Normally anyone from the UK entering the USA does so by air, and in that scenario, you apply online for an ESTA or visa waiver. We kind of knew we had to sort out the USA visa, and we had planned to apply and get it sorted in Panama. Well imagine our surprise when we went through the long and drawn out process to find that the wait for the required in person interview at the Panama Embassy was 350 days! Yes, a whole year! Damn. We have to be out of Panama by March 21st. No way that we can wait for that kind of time. It turns out that the waiting time in other countries of Central America and South America are even worse. 800 days in Mexico!

So, the upshot of this calamity is that it is not going to be possible for us to travel to Hawaii or Alaska this year. Once we had got over the disappointment and shock, we decided on an alternative strategy. Instead of heading North, we now plan to head South instead…. We hope to get a B2 Visa for America somewhere on route, and then we can get to America in 2025. Fingers and toes are crossed.

Here’s the plan as it stands. Subject to change!

Jan / Feb 2024 Cruising the San Blas Islands

Feb 23rd 2024 Transit the Panama Canal!

March At anchor in Panama City

March 21st Sail to French Polynesia (3500 miles)

May 2024 Arrive Marquese Islands

May – Oct 2024 Explore French Polynesia & Cook Islands in South Pacific

Nov 2024 Sail to New Zealand

It’s a rough plan again, but it gives you an idea, and of course if anyone wants to come and join us anywhere on this route, let us know!

Dom & Ailsa

SV Azimuth

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