Pacific Crossing Video

Hi Everyone. We have been in the Marquesas for a week now. Its an amazing place. We haven’t done a lot yet though other than relax and recover from the trip. We are actually waiting for the local sail maker to finish repairing our genoa before we can move on to the next islands in the Marquesas Chain. Anyway, I took some video on the GoPro during the crossing and put together this little video summary. Enjoy

Catch you again soon,

Dom & Ailsa on Azimuth

6 Replies to “Pacific Crossing Video”

    1. We need a new camera altogether! That was filmed on that rubbish gopro cube thingy. Anyone got any recommendations?!

  1. Finally! We’ve been stalking the website for days awaiting an update, I guess great movies take time to make.

    1. I think the frequency of posts will now drop back to one every few weeks! Sorry about that! If you subscribe by email on the front page of the site, you should get an email when I do a new post. I have some video from snorkelling here in the anchorage where we are now. We have no idea what the fish are. What we really need is a qualified marine biologist. Where would I find one of those???

  2. Great video and seeing the pod of dolphins and the birds on the bow do you carry you own cameraman. that was clipping along with only small sail.I was reading that 35 to 40 days is good you must been out of breath to do it in 30 days you are both good sailors safe voyage.

    1. Thanks Doug! Yep we slowed down at the end because we had to put away our ripped Genoa and use the Hank on Jib instead. Hopefully we will be picking up our old sail from the sailmakers next week! Back up to racing speed again 😂😎

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