Outer Hebrides

Saturday 31st July, 2021, Loch Torridon to Lewis.

Today we planned to do a long sail across the Minch out to the Isle of Lewis. The wind was stronger today than it had been for a long time, finally blowing! As usual though it was on the nose, so we had to tack out of Loch Torridon. We found ourselves in a race with another yacht which was fun. We were both on a lean.

Sailing a close hold in Loch Torridon

The Minch turned out to be quite rough, and we were a little over powered, hitting 10 knots but getting thrown around in the steep seas. The seas started to smooth out as we got in the lee of Lewis and it looked like we might make Stornaway on a single tack, but then the wind shifted and so we headed a little further South to Loch Bhrollium arriving at 1800. Its a narrow loch which is very sheltered and we anchored right at the end and shared the anchorage with a colony of seals.

Sunday 1st August, 2021, Loch Claidh

We had a very slow sail just round the corner to the Isle of Harris in the Loch Claidh and anchored behind Eilean Thingarstaigh, recommended by the excellent Antares anchorage charts we had been using alot. It certainly was a real pretty spot with great views over the mountains at the end of the Loch. Very sheltered too. We shared the anchorage with another yacht, as well as dolphins and some huge jelly fish … Ailsa’s favourites!

Monday 2nd August, South Harris

We left the anchorage at 12 30 after seeing a pod of dolphins swim past the boat. Another day of light airs saw us sail further south past Scalpaig lighthouse and West Loch Tarbet. The going was slow but it was nice just drifting our way down the coast of Harris. We made it as far as Lingara Bay in the end after tacking all afternoon. Lingara was a weird place to anchor. The weather dulled over and the tight anchorage with lots of broken rocks on the shore (from a quarry) made it feel inhospitable. It was a rolly night.

Light airs sailing along the coast of South Harris

One Reply to “Outer Hebrides”

  1. Thinking about it, you must have been away during log down great videos and photo’s So thankful you let me in

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