Happy New Year & Plans for 2024

Wishing you all a very Happy New Year! How’s the hangover?

We hope you all have had a great festive season, and properly manage to celebrate the turn of another year.

We have some exciting plans for 2024. We are currently working our way North in Panama’s beautiful San Blas Islands. You can read about our experiences in my other post. Eventually we plan to get to Colon which is the town at the entrance to the Panama Canal. We then hope to transit the Canal which hopefully will be a painless experience. We are both excited at the prospect of reaching the Pacific and all the adventures that await us there. So much to explore and so many far off places that seem along way from the UK. We shall set off towards the end of March on that adventure. The first stop will be Hawaii which we hope to reach sometime in early May after a 4500-5000 mile ocean passage. It will be our longest passage to date. We will stay in Hawaii until about the middle of June when we will set sail for Alaska, arriving in early July. We then have all summer to explore Alaska and work our way South to British Columbia in Canada through the inside passage of the pacific coast. We hope to be in Vancouver or Seattle by late 2024, where we will get Azimuth hauled out and tucked up when we return to to the UK for a couple of months.

So if anyone wants to come and visit us, or even join us on an ocean passage? Here’s approximately where we will be:

January – MarchPanama
End Feb / Early MarchTransit Panama Canal
Late March – Early MaySailing Panama to Hawaii
May – Mid JuneHawaii
Mid June – Early JulySailing Hawaii to Alaska
Early July – NovemberAlaska and then British Columbia, Canada
Mid to Late NovemberHaul out in Vancouver or Seattle and return to UK
2024 Plans

All the best

Dom & Ailsa on Azimuth

2 Replies to “Happy New Year & Plans for 2024”

  1. Happy New Year and Best Wishes for 2024. The plan sounds like some hard work, but all very exciting and something to look forward to.

    S xx

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