Hi there everyone! I’m writing this onboard Azimuth about 30 miles into our journey, bought to you by the power of Starlink. Here’s our current position as of 1300 local time:
lat: 8° 8’58.26″N, lon: 79°12’45.36″W
Distance travelled: 30.4 NM
Average Speed: 5.3 Knots, Max Speed: 7.5 knots.
Right now we are just ambling along going almost dead down wind, doing about 5 knots. We are just South of the Perlas Islands off the coast of Panama. These have been our home for the last 10 days and very nice they were too. Officially we left Panama about 10 days ago, so we have been “hiding out” with our friends on Coral Moon, waiting for some wind to blow from the right direction Today was the day!
We were anchored off a very nice eco resort island for the last two days, and so last night we took the chance to have a few beers at the beach bar and a nice meal with Mark and Donna so we could talk about the upcoming passage and plan stuff together. It was a lovely evening.

Here’s some selfies of the moment we all left!

And finally a last image of land for another 4000 miles!!!!!

Catch you tomorrow!
Dom & Ailsa on SV Azimuth.
Is the cabin fever setting in yet?!
All good onboard so far! It’s been pretty relaxing apart from the crazy winds last night. No luck with the fishing yet either, something big snapped my handline and I lost a lure!