Our First Carnival!

Last time we left you, we had crossed the Atlantic, and had our family out to visit for Christmas and New Year in Martinique. Life has been relatively hectic since then. Very Sadly, we flew back to the UK for three weeks in January for my fathers funeral, and then headed back to Martinique where we have been ever since, but this time just the two of us.

Its been a lovely two or three weeks. We have pottered about Martinique and revisited some of the places we previously visited in a bit more detail. There has also been a huge todo list of jobs to get through on Azimuth, but unfortunately I have been somewhat lazy in addressing those.

We got back to the boat at the end of January, and were relieved to find her still where we left her on a swinging mooring just outside the marina in Fort de France.

Mountains behind Fort de France

The marina staff were lovely and even though their service dinghy was out of order, and it was outside office hours, they arranged for another of the marina dwellers to give us a lift back to Azimuth. I was all setup to go and swim to the boat, but was grateful I didn’t have to after enduring a whole day of travel from the UK!

We had to leave the mooring the next day so we decided to head back to St Pierre, the amazing anchorage under the brooding volcano Mt Pelee. It was a lovely place to unwind, and the heat was great for a speedy recovery from the snivels that we had both picked up in the UK. There was a few of things we both wanted to see that we hadn’t seen the first time around, and these related to interesting history surrounding the eruption of the volcano here in 1902 and the destruction of the town.

St Pierre was actually a very important port at this time. The town was a bustling place dating back to the 1600’s and was one of the primary ports in the whole of the windward isles. The French had built a cosmopolitan town in its own image with fancy buildings and a splendid theatre. All was destroyed at 8am on the 8th of May 1902 by a huge explosion and a resulting pyroclastic flow that swept across the town killing all the inhabitants, some 28000 people apart from two people, a priest and a prisoner in the town jail.

St Pierre before and after the eruption

We took a great walk up the foothills of Mt Pelee, where there is a geological visitors centre with a display all about the eruption and the geology of the windward isles. We also got to watch a great film which bought the whole story to life. At that time, there was little understanding as to what a pyroclastic flow was. In the aftermath of this eruption, the whole area was intensely surveyed by a visiting professor from France, and the facts were established leading to much better classification of volcanic eruptions. The residents of St Pierre thought they were safe from harm. There had been a smaller eruption a few days prior to the main event and this had triggered a huge mudslide further along the coast that wiped out a sugar cane factory and killed a few people. Since then the mountain had been rumbling, and a huge cone had developed in the volcano’s crater, but the mayor of the town was still telling people not to leave. Apparently there was an election in the coming days, and he wanted people to vote for him!

Of particular interest to us, was the surprising fact that over 350 boats and their crew were anchored in the bay that fateful day. All ships and crew were lost in the explosion. So any thoughts of us being able to do a runner should the mountain fancy a rerun would seem to be unreliable!

Our next pit stop for the day was a walk further up the side of mount Pelee, past the sugar cane fields to the Rum distillery called Depaz. There we had a very interesting tour of the works, and stopped by the shop to taste the local product, and the chance to fill the rucksacks with as much Rum as we could carry. At those prices, it made sense at the time…. they sold the stuff in 2 litre wine boxes at 15 Euros each! Any one that joins us on Azimuth in the near future will be welcome to try some, subject to stocks lasting!

A few days later we made an attempt to sail around to the windward side of Martinique. We did quite well, it was pretty rough off the North end of the island and the wind was on the nose. Eventually we gave up returned to St Pierre defeated!

Instead the next day we sailed south again back to Anse d’Arlet. A very pretty anchorage that we had visited before. one day we took a walk around the headland of the bay over a very rough path through the jungle and mangroves. The views were worth the effort as was the cold drink in Grande Anse, a very pretty and relaxed holiday resort. The walk back along the road to Anse d’Arlet was a lot quicker and easier than the crazy footpath.

It was whilst in Anse d’Arlet, whilst reading the guide book that we realised that the Martinique Carnival was due any moment now, so we decided that was something we should not miss. It is said to be one of the best of the Caribbean Carnivals.

That in mind then, we set sail and headed back to Fort de France. It looked way too busy in the anchorage there so we headed two miles across the bay to Anse Mitan, another resort town.

We thought we could get the ferry from there to Fort de France for the carnival. Of course in typical Dom and Ailsa fashion, it turned out we were completely wrong with our dates for the carnival. At this point it was still over a week away! Oh well such is the sailing life … we are lucky we can just sit around and wait. What to do in the meantime?

Well the town of Trois Islets is just near Anse Mitan. Trois Islets is where the sugar plantation and home of the Empress Josephine, wife of Napoleon Bonaparte, where she grew up. So we took a (long hot) walk to go and visit. It was worth the effort, except that the town itself was somewhat disappointing having been described in the book as a photogenic town not overrun by visitors. There turned out to be nothing to see at all! Still lunch was provided by a pleasant restaurant with traditional creole cooking. Jumping in the sea on our return to the boat is always the best way to refresh after a hot day too!

Some of you may have read my previous post, where Azimuth appears on YouTube. Worth a watch we think. Anse Mitan was where we met the guys from Sans Souci and Jessica did the interview with us.

So after killing a few days in Anse Mitan, we decided now was the time to go and attempt to get a decent place in the Fort de France anchorage still some 4 days before the carnival started. We are glad we did! The anchorage was already rammed when we arrived, but we managed to stick ourselves in a decent spot right on the edge of the approved anchorage area. Having arrived and secured our space, much of the entertainment over the next few days was provided by watching people arrive and also try and secure a space in this already overloaded anchorage.

Here’s a little piece that Ailsa wrote that describes the crazyness!

“Watching the Anchoring in Fort de France, Martinique”

We arrived on a Wednesday and dropped the hook at the edge of the anchorage, a nice safe space, a bit bouncy with the ferries motoring to and fro all day but not too rough for a 58 foot sailing yacht like ours. Yachts came and went over the next couple of days,  but Martinique Carnival starts with a vengeance on Sunday so we thought it would get busier towards then. On Saturday we were able to spend a happy morning watching the soap opera that is other people anchoring. It has all the drama and pathos, the tension, anxiety, farce and joy of a good soap opera and we enjoyed a good couple of hours of it! 

One after another yachts arrived and we watched their masts weave through the obstacle course of other boats. I’m a little ashamed to say I used binoculars at times. There was a USA flagged monohull, 45 feet maybe, charged into the forest of masts dropped his hook, twice, in a space that may have accommodated a 35 foot boat at best, struggled to extracate himself, succeeded, moved to the rougher outer part of the anchorage, dropped his hook a total of 4 times, gave up and left Fort de France heading for Trois Islet or somewhere. We watched a 45 foot Swedish flagged boat head towards us at a scary 40 degree lean, full sails up in at least 25 knots of wind, then expertly lower sails and head into the centre of the anchorage. They dropped their hook, once, into a tight but safe spot most people would not have contemplated. They deserved a round of applause for that.  

A British flagged boat and another USA flagged yacht anchored and then pulled up their hooks, motored around a bit and then swapped places and dropped again. One yacht dropped anchor in a perfectly reasonable space only to pick it up five minutes later and head deeper into the forest looking for a better spot, give up and headed back to their original place only to find that another yacht had arrived and taken it. One boat next to us pulled up their anchor and left and two boats immediately motored into the space and dropped their hooks, it was close but just tenable. I guess neither skipper was prepared to give ground. A french flagged boat parked just as close as he could get to two other boats whose skippers, stood on their decks watching nervously, must have spent anxious hours wondering if the frequent swinging would lead to collision. And of course the audience of people on safely anchored yachts, just watching and enjoying.

The wind is generally from the same direction, but the sea bed undulates and parts of this anchorage might be fine for catamarans or shallow draft vessels but not for anything with a two meter draft or more. There are yachts with plenty of scope out and yachts with less, and the potential for anchors to get tangled is not insignificant. However, I love this anchorage, it can be busy and noisy but Fort de France is a lovely place to be when you want the amenities of a large town. My advice, just don’t try and anchor here on a the Saturday before Carnival! Having read this account back to myself, I have decided that watching people anchoring is a pastime that is only acceptable when I do it to other people. Thank goodness my anchoring is always perfect and never provides entertainment for the rubber neckers…..  

Nice! She has submitted this one of the boating magazines, which might print this in their letters section!

So the lead up to the subject of this post has been a long one. Sorry about that! Carnival day(s) finally arrived! The build up in Fort de France over the last few days had been huge. Lots of street stands had been erected, and there was a real buzz about the place. We pulled up that afternoon in town and the place was already heaving with people, all dressed up in the most extravagant of costumes. There was a huge amount of effort that went in to the event. The parade consisted of different groups of people from all over the Island with their own banner explaining where they are from, amazing outfits, dancers and drummers that made for a stunning sensory experience. Each group bought their own take and style to the carnival. We joined the melee and let the whole experience wash over us. Its difficult to describe the level of noise and how the madness increased throughout the day! Hopefully the video below does some justice. It felt great to back in a huge crowd of partying people. Good riddance Covid!

So the carnival actually ran for four days in total. The pictures and video above are just from day one. We went to three of the days, each of them with a different theme and coloured outfits. The last day was probably the craziest of the lot. And so here are some pictures and another video to try and capture the mood. We end up on what we are calling the “craziest corner” in the carnival. As the evening progressed, we found ourselves surrounded by a sea of people and being attacked by swarms of marching bands from all angles! There was no defined route for the carnival, it was just a free for all on all the streets of the town!

Here’s some of the pictures from the day!

That’s all for now. Join as next time as we loiter a little longer in Martinique and try and get soime boat jobs done and then sail south to St Lucia!

Azimuth on YouTube!

So you never know who you are going to meet when you arrive at a new anchorage? We pulled up a few days ago in Anse Mitan, just near Fort de France in Martinique and dropped our anchor right next to a boat called “Sans Souci”, flying the Netherlands flag . We waved to each other in greeting. A little while later, they popped over to see us, and asked us if we would consider being interviewed for their YouTube channel “Boatlife is best”. On their channel, they interview fellow sailors about their lives onboard boats. We said we would love to! So the following day Jessica came over with all her equipment and we did the interview. Jessica had the video edited and online within a couple of days. Very efficient!

Hope you enjoy watching it!

Please consider supporting Jessica by subscribing to her channel and watching some of the other great videos she has produced so far. Some really interesting characters and you get a feel for why people want to be part of the boating life.

Azimuth Tour!

Quite a few people have asked us to show them pictures of Azimuth and what she looks like inside. We thought we would go one better and post a little video tour of the boat whilst sat at anchor in beautiful Martinique. Enjoy!

Watch the video tour of Azimuth

For those of you that want a little more detail here are some of the specifications of the boat:

Boat TypePremier Bluewater 58 (Nicholson 58)
DesignerDavid Pedrick
BuilderHull moulded by Colvic / Fit out by Moody
Year Built1996
Displacement32000 kg
Fuel Tanks1037 Litres
Fresh Water 1018 Litres
Main EnginePerkins Sabre M135, 135HP
Azimuth Details

Rob Pearce

5th January 1947 – 19th December 2022

One of my fathers favourite authors was Tolkein, so forgive me as I start my eulogy adapting Bilbo Baggins’ scene where he starts to write his book in The Lord of the Rings.

Now where to begin? Ah yes ….

Concerning my Father

Rob Pearce had been living and working in the Shire of Nottingham for many years.

Quite content to sit in his shed and ignore the growing list of jobs created by my mother.

Radcliffe-on-Trent, being after all, full of strange people beyond count. My fathers shed must have seemed a little oasis of peace and quiet apart from the occasional sound of power tools.

Infact it has been remarked by some that my fathers only real passion was for the fettling of wood. A rather unfair observation … as during his life he had also developed a keen interest in the drinking of ales and the smoking of pipes. But where his heart truly lay was in the love of his wife, his family and his friends.

Today of all days, it is bought home to me it is no bad thing to celebrate a wonderful life!

What a life well lived….

I have so many fond memories of my dad it is hard to know where to begin. He touched my life is so many ways.

We both shared a passion for the outdoors. My childhood memories of our family holidays to the Isle of Mull always featured my Dad and I pouring over the geological memoirs and maps of that glorious Isle and planning our sorties to go and seek out its treasures of sapphires, agates, garnets and other exotic minerals. Its true … sometimes we even found some! But what we mostly got was to share long sun soaked days together walking through magnificent scenery and huge vistas, fighting off swarms of midges, negotiating peat bogs, scrambling along sea shores and romping cliff side paths whilst avoiding the mountain goats. Those are the experiences I hold responsible for my life long passion for the outdoors all inspired by dad.

Dad was such a strong and guiding force in my early years. In everything I did, he was there to encourage me, console me when things didn’t work out and more than anything praise me when things did go well.

We moved into 19 Lorne Grove when I was 6. The house needed a good deal of work, and it did take mum and Dad many years to mould the place to their will. But I can remember those days of helping dad strip tens of layers of old wallpaper and him showing me all the skills and tools I would eventually go on to need myself doing up my own homes and boats. I have him to thank for that practicality. It never stopped through my whole life. Dad always took a keen interest in all of my DIY projects. He lent me tools from his extensive collection (some of which I may not have returned yet … sorry dad), and always wanted to help in any way he could. More recently, he loved to talk about our boat and all the projects I was doing to get her shipshape. His woodworking skills were put to good use crafting us a beautiful teak table, the centre piece of our boat saloon as well as many other items he made for us. Sorry mum … I know that these distractions meant that he didn’t get on with the things on your list!

My dad really took to being a grandfather. He liked to be called Pops and never was a man prouder than he of all his grandchildren. I know he took great joy from watching them grow up and wanted to be a part of their lives. Dad was a godsend for Ailsa and I as we struggled with managing jobs and bringing up a young family. My Dad would come over to our house in West Bridgford, making full use of his free bus pass, of which he was very proud, once or twice a week, and would be there to greet our three boys as they got home from school. He would then proceed to cook up a feast always featuring a mountain of broccoli (the only vegetable that was mutually agreeable to our boys) and a variety of delicious meals which he had concocted based on trail and experimentation. These were burgers, chicken nuggets and his infamous fish cakes. Note though that none of these items would be shop bought from the freezer section. Each was freshly and lovingly prepared from scratch. Even Vincent, arguably the fussiest eater of then all would grudgingly agree that pops could cook a fine meal! And I know the boys loved having him around at the end of the school day.The bonus was that when we got home from work, there was always some food left for Ailsa and I, especially broccoli. Thanks Dad!

Some of you may know that Ailsa and I have a passion for sailing. We bought our first yacht, Edelweiss,  in 2014, and we had to sail her from Eastbourne to her new home in Portishead. Our boys have never been quite as enthusiastic about sailing as us, but grudgingly they joined us on that trip. About halfway, Ailsa was called away for an emergency at work. Vinnie seized the moment, and took this as an opportunity to jump ship too. That left just myself, Ethan and Caleb the task of getting Edelweiss the 300 or so miles round to Portishead. I needed some help as I was very new to skippering at that point. My Dad came to the rescue. At a moments notice, he dropped everything, jumped on a train and joined us within a few hours. That was so typical of my Dad, couldn’t do enough to help. We had a great laugh on that trip. We didn’t see much of the boys, they hid in their cabins most of the time, but Dad and I sat in the cockpit together, talked and watched the world go by. He of course loved the birdlife at sea. I know he was quite frustrated by sailing though. He kept suggesting that I should install twin 200 horse power engines on the back of the boat. 5 Knots just didn’t cut it! He stuck at the trip all the way, although I could see he was finding it hard work. We rounded lands end together at dawn and had a really difficult sail in tough conditions up to Padstow. I could see the crew were all struggling, and I was starting to anticipate possible mutiny. We were all relieved to get in to port and get to the chippie before it shut. I was beginning to wonder whether my Dad was really cut out for a life at sea? My doubts were confirmed when Ailsa came down to take over from Dad for the last leg. She arrived in the car at around midnight. My dad literally lept off the boat, ran to the car, told Ailsa to leave it running, got in the drivers seat, a quick goodbye and he was off in a cloud of dust! He never admitted it to me, but I know that he had found that trip hard work. But that was my Dad, he would have done anything to help me whenever I asked.  

Dad, I still cant believe that you have gone. Taken before your time. I will never forget you dad, and I know your memory will live on within everyone of you here today whose lives he has touched.

Thanks to Sally Williams from St Mary’s in Radcliffe for putting together this video.

Family Fun in Martinique!

Last time you left us we had just crossed the Atlantic. We had only a few days to wait until the rest of the family flew out for Xmas to come and visit us for a two or three weeks. Whilst we were waiting for Vinnie, Ethan (our other two sons) and Judith (Ailsa’s Mum) to arrive, we spent a few days in the Anchorage at Fort de France and had a look around the town.

Fort de France was really buzzing in the build up to Xmas. Lots of music at night, and people partying in the day including this great “Santa Beach party” where loads of boaters and jet skiers turned up in santa outfits!

The guys arrived on the 22nd December in the evening and we met them on the beach and dinghied them back to the boat. The travellers were pretty tired after their journey but managed to stay up for some food and a few drinks!

The next day everyone got acclimatised to the Caribbean with their first swim off the back of the boat, however, not before we were all rudely awoken at 5 in the morning by a Caribbean Carol concert???! Crazy. We were really sad to say goodbye to Tom too after a month at sea together. He was heading home to the UK to be with his family for Xmas.

The next day was Xmas Eve and we decided that we would leave Fort de France and head somewhere more remote for Xmas Day. So we went to town stock up on supplies of food and drinks and headed round the corner to the little Bay of Anse Noire.

It was a very pretty bay, just big enough for a few boats to anchor with a beach lined by palm trees and some really great snorkelling.

A perfect place to spend Xmas day and not a flake of snow in sight! Infact the temperature was about 30 degrees!

Ailsa managed to cook a Xmas dinner for 6 with all the trimmings. No mean feat in a boat galley!

We moved a couple of miles down the coast to a pretty little bay called Anse d’Arlet.

And then we had a fun sail round the South of Martinique to a huge anchorage called St Anne’s which at times was quite lively. We had to sail up wind and it was quite gusty. At one point the sheets got caught on our stay sail. I went down to sort it out only to get “whipped” by Azimuth as the wind picked up further! Another boat injury….

We had a lovely lunch out at St Anne’s and visited the shore to stock up on lots of bread products … Martinique being French meant lots of croissant, pain au chocolat, baguettes … none of which was good for the diet!

Another sail took us right up to the North of the Island to visit the town of St Pierre, nestled beneath Martiniques active volcano. It last erupted in the 1900’s where only one person survived in the town, and that was only because he was locked up in jail!

St Pierre was definitely a favourite with everyone. A visit to the local zoo. Meals out and a chance to chill in a very pretty anchorage

Oh and the celebration of New Years Eve. I will let you decide how silly that got from the pictures….

Two weeks was over all too soon, and we were very sad to say goodbye to Vinnie and Judith. But we had a nice meal out in Fort de France for their last night

Caleb and Ethan stayed on for another week, so we sailed over to another pretty bay called Anse Mitan for a few days before returning to Fort de France.

It was time for all of us to head back to the UK. Not before a quick final night out in the local resturant.

We will be back again soon with more news of our travels.

Merry Xmas & Happy New Year

Hi everyone!

Wanted to wish all of you who have followed us on our blog a very happy Christmas and a wonderful New Year. We are really very lucky this year to be celebrating in Martinique. We have our family with us too! Caleb sailed across the Atlantic with us and Vinnie, Ethan & Judith (Ailsa’s Mum) flew out to join us just before Xmas.

We want to thank everyone who has supported us and helped us this year to achieve our dream of sailing away. It has been a wonderful 6 months and we look forward to welcoming any of you who want us to join us next year onboard for some fun in the sun!

All the best.

Dom & Ailsa.

Atlantic Crossing

Last time we left you in Mindelo in Cape Verde, just about to set off across the Atlantic to Martinique. In this post, we will tell you about what it was actually like to do the crossing.

The North Atlantic has been with us pretty much all the way from the UK. Ok, so they call it the Irish Sea, or the Bay of Biscay, but hey its all the North Atlantic really! However, this sail is the one that everyone thinks about and is certainly the one that we have been building up to for the years now. It used to feel daunting, but not so much anymore. All those long sails to get to Cape Verde have been great preparation and practice for the big one.

For the past month I had been watching the weather like a hawk between Cape Verde and the Caribbean. It had been comforting to see the trade winds blowing strong and continuously, and I had started to assume that we would be able to leave anytime we liked with guaranteed winds. Oh how wrong I was! After we arrived in Mindelo, the weather started to change dramatically. Two huge lows appeared in the Atlantic to the North of us and promptly kicked the Azores high out and hoovered up all the trade winds! Oh no! We had agreed to meet our family for Xmas in Martinique on the 22nd December, and now it looked like we were going to struggle to get there in time!

We spent many hours pouring over Windy and took some advice from sailing friends. It looked like if we pretty much left as soon as possible, there might be a small opportunity to get across the pond as long as we headed South from the Cape Verde towards the 10th degree parallel (Mindelo is at about 15 degrees). There would be just enough wind to get us south, and once there, a small band of trade winds would get us across until we decided to sail North again to Martinique.

The decision was made … it was go now, or probably not make it in time!

It actually felt great to be finally leaving. We had plenty of supplies onboard. Probably hadn’t done all the boat jobs we needed to, but we had ran out of time. The crew was in a buoyant mood as we hoisted the sails and glided out from the harbour at 4pm on Wednesday, 30th November, 2022. It wasn’t long until land slipped away to the horizon and we faced the majesty of the Atlantic Ocean ahead of us.

So the main question onboard for at least the first 5 days was “Why are we still heading South?!” Initially we were making good progress in a South Westerly direction, trying to get down to 10 degrees North of the Equator where we hoped to find wind to take us West. The crew schedule had been decided for watches and everyone was settling in to the rhythm of life at sea. No one was sea sick even though it was quite rolly to start with. It took at least 48 hours for everyone to stop feeling quite so tired and get in to the swing of things.

On Day 2 we were greeted by an enormous pod of Atlantic Dolphins, and a pod of as yet unidentified whales (we think pilot whales perhaps) who stayed with us for a couple of hours and entertained the crew with pirouettes and riding the bow wave. Day Three and the wind continued to drop. We had turned further South to try and get to the 10th Parallel but had now slowed right down, so on Day 4 when there was literally only a puff of wind left we decided to drop the sails and take the opportunity to go for a swim in 5000m of water! What an amazing feeling! Quite scary and exhilarating at the same time. We reckon we are now true earth explorers … surely the only people to have ever swam in the ocean here….

Our good friend Charlie had our backs. Our satellite phone was refusing to download the weather, so bless him, Charlie became our weather guru on the trip. Every couple of days he would phone us up and get our position. He would put that in his weather routing software and send us instructions by text message everyday as to where to head for the best wind and sea conditions. Absolutely brilliant! I fully intend to return the favour one day when they cross in their boat Aquamarine. Couldn’t have done it without you mate 🙂

With the light winds we carried on heading South West and on Day 5 we dropped South of the 10 degrees and turned more west much to the delight of the crew. It felt better to be going almost in the right direction towards the Caribbean! The highlight of Day 5 was that Caleb caught two fish!. We had been sailing through the Sargasso weed all day and fish had been all round the boat. The trolling line had been out all day and eventually the fish bit. Two small Mahi Mahi were caught in 10 minutes. It was a delicious dinner!

Down here nearer the equator it was HOT! In the day the temperature soared and the deck saloon heated up nicely. We started to get some wind behind us though but kept having to switch sail plans to adapt to its changing direction by 30 degrees or so on a whim. We also had some large squalls passing through to. Huge angry grey clouds would form in the afternoon and if you got in their way the wind would veer and gust up to 30 knots or more giving us some welcome speed and cooling us down.

We continued to head slightly south of west for several more days and crossed 9 degrees north on Day 8 and finally reached our most Southerly point on Day 10, 8 degrees 30 minutes North of the Equator. For those of you who don’t know what that means, there is one nautical mile in a minute of arc and 60 minutes in a degree, so we were 510 nautical miles North of the Equator at this point. From here on, we pointed the boat directly at Martinique and waited for the trade winds to re-establish themselves.

On Day 11 we reached the half way point! Time for a party! The beer flowed, the party snacks were cooked and Ailsa’s delicious Moroccan Tagine was served for tea. Those not on watch were in bed for 8pm…. rock and roll!

Life on board was pretty sweet. Everyday was easy going with everybody relaxing; reading books; catching up on sleep; removing the flying fish from deck; cooking; eating; drinking; fixing sails and tightening ropes; stopping things squeaking and knocking and the obligatory game of cards called Skip-bo (or sometimes known as Spite and Malice) which became a daily ritual and quite ferocious! Infact that tradition is still going on now as I write this, and scores are being recorded!

Here’s a video montage of daily life onboard Azimuth. It hopefully gives a little insight in to the trip. Dolphins, swimming in 5000 metres of water, putting up the cruising chute, catching fish and surfin’ the waves.

From here on it was plain sailing. The winds started to pick up and become more reliable on a broad reach. The wind gradually increased from 15 to 20 to 25 knots. Azimuth loves “20 knots right up the bum”. And she was dancing along surfing the waves. On Day 14 we passed 3/4 way. This was celebrated with the cooking of a Sunday roast with all the trimmings. A remarkable feat by Ailsa given the way were were being chucked about on the waves at this point!

On Day 14 we also got hot by a huge squall and had an hour of Chaos. The wind peaked at 38 knots and the sea became a torrent of spray and rain. Day 16 and Tom and Ailsa witnessed a new speed record from Azimuth as she surfed down an enormous wave hit 16.8 knots. You could almost hear Azimuth giggling!

The faithful autopilot had been making some strange noises for a few days and on Day 16 it started to make some horrible grinding sounds. The gearbox had all but given up. We were still 100 miles from Martinique at this point, so we decided it was time to hand steer from here. We took turns of 30 minutes each over the next 20 hours. It was actually alot of fun. At night we the star Polaris (the North Star) as a guide against one of the stantions to keep Azimuth on the right course.

Finally that night we sighted land! The lights of both Martinique and St Lucia were twinkling on the horizon and the lighthouse guided us in. We slowly sailed round the South of Martinique and waited for the sunrise to get in to the Anchorage at Fort de France. Infact the last hour was pretty crazy…. 35 knots on the nose and sharing the water with a huge cruise liner and tanker.

The sunrise was magnificent and a toast was drunk when the anchor was dropped. What an awesome sail!! Well done to the magnificent crew!!

Well, what an amazing feeling to have made it all this way. Check out the route on the front page of the website as to the whole distance. Here is the stats for this trip:

Join us next time as we explore Martinique!

Cape Verde – No Stress!

Last time we left you we had just arrived in the Cape Verde after a six day sail from Lanzarote. In the post we will tell you about the stress free life in the Cape Verdes … or is that stresss (with a treble s!)

When we made it to shore in the dinghy in Palmeira, you are left in no doubt that this is Africa. The dock is awash with small wooden fishing boats, and a makeshift tent covers the guys gutting and descaling the fresh catch. Lots of people mill about in the fierce sun and a bevy of young boys fight each other to be the one to help you get in to to shore in your dinghy and tie you up, and haul you up the rough concrete dock! The first thing anyone said to us was ‘Cape verde – no stress’. Hence the title! We wander through the streets of ramshackle huts and concrete houses and stray dogs until we find the police building to check in. The check in process was not too bad, but its a bit concerning when the police inform you that they will be holding your ships papers (a very valuable document) and you collect it again when you check out (more on that later!)

There is not alot in Palmeira. A few small cafes / bars and a couple of very small “supermarkets” run by Chinese that do their best to supply all your needs. We decided to head to the next town called Espargos to find an ATM and sort ourselves out with a SIM card. mobile roaming in Cape Verde is extortionate! We managed to catch a minibus to Espargos, where the price for the 6km ride for two people is 1 euro.

Espargos felt a little more affluent than Palmeira, and once we had sorted the SIM and the money we found ourselves a nice cafe for lunch where a band was setting up to play live. It turned out to be awesome! Full of locals enjoying the music. We enjoyed it too and ended up spending all afternoon there with several beers and wines!

We had a few days to recover from our journey in Palmeira. Several attempts to fix the outboard too, and then it was time to sail to the South of Sal to the resort of Santa Maria to meet up with our friends Charlie and Jen who were flying in from the UK for a week.

Santa Maria

It was great to see our friends again! Charlie and I have spent many a year now dreaming and discussing sailing off in to the sunset, so it was great to share stories of our travels and bore them to death with all our photos.

Santa Maria at one time was probably a small fishing village. Now it is a resort with one design … to extract as much money from tourists as possible. Our first trip to shore to meet up with Charlie and Jen definitely put this mantra to the test when we were skilfully guided by a local to the market and duly ripped off for a hat, a bag and some shell bracelets to the tune of £30! Whilst we laughed about it afterwards, and Charlie and Jen rightly took the mick, the same thing would happen to them two days later involving the purchase of some wooden turtles! Apparently it is a right of passage for anyone visiting Santa Maria! Eventually you learn to nod and ignore the persistent traders as they battle to get you to see their wares at makeshift stalls that litter the resort.

It was an awesome week with Charlie and Jen. We very quickly discovered the Brazilian beach bar and the Caipirinhas served up which after two had you in the mood for anything. Chilling to the sounds of reggae from the local band and soaking up the atmosphere.

We visited plenty of restaurants , ranging from hotel and beach fare through to backstreet Senegalese food where the menu was “Chicken or Fish” served with rice and onions, all cooked in fiery spices. Italian food was consumed too, and on the last night we went to the trip advisor number one place where the food was excellent, although the location left something to be desired buried in the far back streets of the resort which left us all a little on edge as we walked in the dark.

The Beach on Santa Maria was superb. Charlie and Jen even swam out to our boat one day anchored 250m off the beach and enjoyed the crystal clear waters of the anchorage. 10m deep and you could see to the bottom.

Heres a dodgy video of me jumping off the roof of Azimuth. At least you get a feel for the colour of the sea and the surroundings.

One evening they came over for tea on board. Charlie and I bought fresh tuna steaks and red snapper from the fisherman on the Quay for next to nothing and we cooked up a feast onboard. The tuna was melt in the mouth and literally nothing could be fresher, 5 Euros for one kilo!

Charlie went for a couple of dives which he really enjoyed, and kindly sent me these pictures to share with you. Huge fish life all round the Island.

At night, the boat was surround by these crazy bright blue needle fish!

It wasn’t all plain sailing though of course. On the last night out, we got back to the Quay to find that our dinghy was gone! We had heard rumours that dinghy’s and engines had been damaged by the kids that play at the end of the pier, but we hadn’t heard of them being stolen. We luckily flagged down some other cruisers that gave us a lift back to Azimuth in the dark as it was 11pm by that point and we didn’t think we would have much chance of getting back to Azimuth any other way. Charlie and Jen had continued to look for our dinghy on the beach and report the theft to the police. Eventually they went back to the Quay to find our dinghy had miraculously reappeared… although the outboard was damaged and unusable (I had only just bloody fixed it that day!). Bless him, Charlie rowed it out to Azimuth for us, and then we attempted to row him back to shore but couldn’t make it because the wind was too strong. I got the canoe out instead and we paddled Charlie back to the Quay. Charlie we owe you one big time mate!

Perhaps you are now starting to get the feeling that maybe there is a little more than no stress in Cape Verde?!

All good things come to an end. We want to thank Charlie and Jen for coming out to visit us. We had an awesome time!!!

When the guys left, we were still reeling from the previous nights stress of having our dinghy stolen and recovered, so we decided to head round the corner to a much quieter anchorage and make a sharp retreat from Santa Maria. We still had three days before our crew Caleb and Tom were to arrive at the island of Boa Vista to help us cross the Atlantic.

Before we left Palmeira to go to Santa Maria we had checked out of Sal, just incase we didnt make it back to Palmeira again. As we understood it at the time, we were told that if we hadn’t left Sal within 48 hours it was OK, we could just come back and check out again….. This turned out to be the start of the next nightmare. We got back to Palmeira early morning, with plans to sail to Boa Vista that day. So we duly visited the Police station and queued for over an hour. It turned out our assumption had been very wrong. We were told that we had now been in Sal illegally for 10 days. We were then told we had to come back to the Police at 10am the next day where a decision would be made as to whether we should be fined or deported from Cape Verde forthwith with immediate effect! No Stress??

We skulked back to the boat, feeling terrible. The crew was arriving the next day in Boa Vista and we were stuck in Palmeira with our ships papers confiscated. We decided instead of moping about we had best assume the worst and go and stock up the boat assuming that we would be kicked out of the country the next day! We didn’t get a lot of sleep that night with the worry of what would happen the next day, and off we went to see the police in the morning. They made us wait for at least an hour before we were taken in to the office to see the chief. He gave us a severe telling off …. and boy did I grovel and say sorry a thousand times! Telling him this would never happen again etc etc! However, in the end, I noticed just a hint of a smile. He filled in a new clearance for Boa Vista and sent us on our way!

You didn’t see us for dust. Never have we jumped in the dinghy got back to Azimuth and pulled up the anchor so fast and we were on our way sailing south to Boa Vista with huge relief!

Boa Vista – New Crew!

The Anchorage at Boa Vista was very dramatic. A huge bay behind an island. A large offshore reef where kite surfers played in the huge rollers. The anchorage was subject to a large Atlantic swell which picked us up and had us surfing too on our chain. We had to move after the first night after we dragged about 50m (No Stress!). The next day we went to check in to Boa Vista with our valid paperwork. We eventually found the fancy police building and sat and waited for two hours with another cruiser named Sasha. We were then told to return that night at 6pm because the guy who did the chekin had lost his keys and couldnt get in to his office?! (No Stress!). So, we headed to the airport to pick up the new crew arriving from London. We managed to flag down one of those minibuses for the short 5km journey thinking that it would be cheaper than a taxi and then proceeded to get ripped off (No Stress!)

The guys arrived on time in thick jumpers and coats to the 30 degree heat! A taxi whisked us back to Sal Rei for a quick journey back to the boat to drop off their stuff. The engine ran out of fuel on the way back so we had to row the last half a mile. The wind was blowing a hooley and we managed to miss Azimuth altogether and then proceeded to be swept out to sea! (No Stress!). To our immense fortune, a fishing boat was just going past and we flagged them down for a tow back to the boat …. phew. Refill the fuel tank and off we go to check in at the police station with the new crew. Actually this time it went very easily.

Time to relax for a bit… a nice meal, some local beers and then back to the boat for an early night. However, the outboard had other ideas. Now the battery was flat. It was pitch back and it was a mile row back to the boat …. no way. Our new friend Sasha to the rescue. He was in the pub still and gave us a tow back to Azimuth! What a day??? (No Stress?!)

It was great to have the guys onboard. We decided we had had enough of Boa Vista (the little we had seen of it and it was time to sail to Mindelo on the Island of Sao Vincente. The staging point for the next leg the crossing of the Atlantic to the Caribbean.

Mindelo on Sao Vincente

Mindelo is Cape Verdes second largest town and we hoped a great place to stock up for the trip, fix a few boat issues, take on diesel and get on our way with No Stress!

We needed to be in Martinique by the 22nd of December because we had family coming out to stay with us for Xmas. As everyone knows sailing to a schedule is always not advisable. Low and behold the trade winds that should have been blowing strongly at this time of year also agreed and decided that they would stop!!!!

The Port of Mindelo is pretty stunning as you enter. It has a marina that was packed full of boats. The anchorage was also full to bursting but we managed to find a spot tucked in front of an upturned wreck of a fishing boat. That certainly set the scene. Thankfully Mindelo did turn out to be a little less stressful although worryingly (for Cape Verde) the people in the town certainly seemed to be struggling with life. This was the first place we had been where people were begging for food in the streets. It left you feeling very sorry as there was little we could do. I ended up buying a tin of baby milk for one guy who befriended us in the street. It was sad, one the one had you had the affluence of the marina and all the yachts at anchor who were passing through the port. On the other hand, there was clearly severe poverty and people struggling just to get by with their young families.

We found the local supermarket and fully stocked up on all the essentials we needed. Checking in and out was a breeze, and finally we had to make a judgment call. There were no trade winds for over a week for the direct route to Martinique, but if we sailed south, there may be a way through. The decision was made quickly…. time to go. (No Stress!)

Join us next time as we sail across the Atlantic Ocean to Martinique!

Madeira to Cape Verde

Last time we left you in Madeira, and its been a while since we updated you all with our progress. Life has been pretty hectic, so its nice to catch up and tell you a bit more about our adventures.

We had to wait a long time for the right winds to leave Madeira and head south for the Canaries. Finally the South Westerlies that had set in for at least two weeks subsided and the weather looked set for an easy passage south.

So we set off on the first leg of the long journey to Cape Verde. Join us then as we take you through the fun and the trials and tribulations of life at sea!

LEG1: Madeira to Lanzarote

We were sad to leave Madeira. What a fantastic place! And we had made some new freinds too. But the lure of the Atlantic crossing still beckoned, and we still had a lot of miles to sail to the Cape Verde Islands.

As you leave Madeira heading south, the first place you see is the dramatic Islas Desertas, part of the Madeira Archipelago. The wind was fluky as we sailed down these islands, and the mountains hung their heads in the cloud. We were rewarded with a rainbow, before land slipped away to the horizon and all we had was sea all around us.

Its 273 nautical miles from Machico to Rubicon on the South end of Lanzarote and it took us around 48 hours. The first part of the trip, we had great winds and we sped along at 8 knots. Then the high pressure kicked in, and we were becalmed for at least 12 hours, our speed down to 3.5 knots. It didn’t matter though, it was still great sailing ghosting along in the sun on a calm sea.

About half way across, we picked up a passenger. A small bird that looked absolutely exhausted! He sat with us for a day whilst we gave him some bread crumbs and some water and he seemed to get more and more chirpy and bolder and would sit right next to you.

He left the following day and not long after that we sighted land with the usual cry of “Land Ahoy!”. Always a great feeling after many hours of sailing. We dropped the hook (always a great feeling too!) just outside the entrance to Rubicon Marina.

So we know many of you told us that the Canary Islands are beautiful and that we should spend lots of time there! Well unfortunately it didn’t quite work out that way for us?! Our intention all along had been to meet up with our good friends Charlie & Jen somewhere in the Canaries. Unfortunately time was moving on. Charlie and Jen couldn’t make it for over a week, and we were looking at the weather for getting further south to the Cape Verde and it looked great at that moment, but not in a weeks time!

The other factor was our outboard engine. Bought new in 2022, it had decided to strip its impeller and was now unusable. The anchorage was incredibly rolly, which made attempts to bush fix the problem very difficult and frustrating. In the end, it was impossible for us even to get to shore, the wind was too strong to row in!

A plan was slowly hatched…. Charlie and Jen managed to book a week in Cape Verde! So our minds were made up. We moved to another anchorage for the next night that was much flatter. Got a great nights sleep, and then got the boat ready to leave for the Cape Verde!

LEG2: Lanzarote to Cape Verde

This next leg was to be our longest sail so far. Some 900 nautical miles from Rubicon to Palmeira on the Island of Sal. The first job on leaving is to pull up the anchor …. we were both excited to be leaving on a long journey. Thwarted! The anchor was firmly stuck in 12 metres of water! It took a good 45 minutes of driving in circles and straining of the chain until it finally came free. Not a great start!

Eventually though we were off and sailing a broad reach down the side of Fuerteventura. The crew were in good spirits too after a stressful start!

It was to be six wonderful days at sea with light winds and seas and all the joy of the remoteness of the world. No seasickness. We ate really well. We sat in the bow everyday watching the flocks (?) of flying fish jumping out of the way as Azimuth ploughed through the waves. We enjoyed the heat of the sun as we got ever closer to the equator. And at night we enjoyed the glorious stars and moon that lit up the sea.

Three nights in to the trip, I was on watch at one in the morning when a loud bang and the sound of the mainsail falling down interrupts my semi awake state! I didn’t want to investigate what had happened until the morning as going out on deck on my own at night is not safe, so we continued to sail on the Genoa. Daylight arrived and we found that our brand new main halyard had completely chafed through. The mainsail had dropped, but also the main halyard had disappeared in to the mast. Not the sort of thing that is easy to fix! Fortunately Azimuth has a topping lift for holding up the boom. However, this is a lighter rope than the main halyard (also brand new) and I didn’t feel like risking chaffing through this line too as we still had three more days of sailing ahead. So that morning, we spent a couple of hours removing the new topping lift and replacing it with Azimuths old main halyard (actually made of carbon fibre). Main sail was re-hoisted and we were off again.

Every year, there is a large yacht rally called the ARC where hundreds of boats pay an exorbitant amount of money to cross the Atlantic together leaving from the Canaries. We had decided not to join this as when I enquired as to the cost I was told it would be £5000 for Azimuth and 4 crew! There is also an extension to this rally called the ARC+ where a smaller number of boats cross the Atlantic from the Canaries via Cape Verde. We were aware that they were leaving around the same time as us. So one day we zoomed out on the chartplotter and discovered that we were being chased down by the ARC+ fleet!

They never caught us though 🙂

Channel 16 on the ships radio is supposed to be used for distress purposes only. This is strictly enforced in Europe and people can be fined for misuse. It seemed that there was little enforcement in Morocco or Mauritania as we sailed down their coasts. We had the constant chattering and bizarre messaging between we presume the fisherman. People were playing music over the channel?! and on one occasion, we were entertained by someone playing the accordion! The other entertainment was provided by the Moroccan Navy in their “Warship” speaking in pigeon English with numerous Cargo vessels and shooing them out of Moroccan territorial waters.

We sighted land early in the morning on the 6th day. Land Ahoy!

We sailed all the way to the entrance of Palmeira to be faced by a huge number of boats at anchor and what looked like no space. Here we were then, pretty exhausted, thinking what do we do now? A little boat comes along side and “Jay Ramos” introduces himself as the man that can provide anything you need directly to your boat and offers to help us anchor. He guided Azimuth right inside the anchorage and tells us to squeeze between a small yacht and a beaten up old metal fishing boat and drop the hook. It didn’t quite go to plan though. A gust of wind swings us round and we nearly collide with the fishing boat. I decided that this was not a good place to anchor and we head back out much to the annoyance of Jay who confidently tells me he has been doing this for ten years and he knows what he is doing! However he did find us another spot much further out and then charged us for the privilege of his services! Oh and we did buy a Cape Verde courtesy flag from him too.

Next time join us as we tell you about our adventures in Cape Verde!

Cloud Walking

last time we left you in Porto Santo. In this post we will tell you about our last couple of weeks in Madeira. We left Porto Santo as the wind turned west and had a run in with a French boat that had dropped his anchor over the top of ours! Not a great start to the day and were both a bit stressed as we sailed out in to some pretty big seas and headed south for the island of Madeira. The incident was soon forgotten after a few hours especially as we got to the spectacular headland off the East of Madeira and dropped the hook in the Baia d’Abra.

What a spectacular and remote place. This bay left you in no doubt of the volcanic nature of these islands with all the tortured rocks on display. It was a very peaceful anchorage and we spent a few nights there relaxing in the glorious scenery. Here’s a flavour of the place in pictures

We had some tricky winds coming to the Islands again, blowing from the South West, so we had to move round the corner to the lovely town of Machico which had the only anchorage in Madeira that could provide any protection. Even so, it was a very rolly anchorage, and we ended up staying there for a couple of weeks. A great place to go an visit a little bit of Madeira, and oh what a wonderful place!

We took the bus to Funchal, the capitol of the Island and spent the day having a look around. Its certainly a busy place, and the bus journey was interesting along the steep mountain roads.

One of the features of Madeira is the Levada’s. These are man made water channels that weave through the mountains and syphon water from the wet side of the Island to drier parts to be used for farming. We took a taxi to walk the Levada do Furudo and this turned out to be one of the most spectacular walks I have ever done. Right up in the mountains at 800m we were walking through ancient forest, clinging to the side of precipitous cliffs and walking in the clouds. An amazing experience, and worth visiting Madeira just for this

A lot of pictures I know. its hard to capture the feeling of walking in the clouds along the edge of a precipice! Its also amazing to me how anyone managed to build these? We got to the end of the walk and came on a main road which mysteriously been roped off. We walked down the road a little towards a town and then the police started waving at us to get out of the road! It seems we had stumbled across a major event in Madeira, the legend rally. We spent the next two hours watching classic cars screaming round a hairpin!

Not long after we arrived in Machico, we were walking down the path by the river and met a couple Doug and Maria. Doug is from the UK and Maria is from Madeira. They live 6 months of the year in Madeira and 6 months in the UK. Seems like a perfect setup to me. We went for a quick drink and then Doug and Maria very kindly offered to take us out on the following Sunday to visit a local market. We had a fantastic day out! Doug and Maria were lovely hosts and really looked after us. On arriving at the market we went to the stall of their freinds, and sampled a glass of Poncha, a local homemade white rum with a serious kick drunk with honey and lemon. We were all feeling pretty good after a single glass!

We took a walk round the market and had a coffee at the local cafe. Then we all went for lunch for local delicacy and several more poncha’s & beers!

After a fantastic lunch Doug drove us to Maria’s home town of Porto Cruz on the North coast of the Island, not far from Machico and showed us around. What a spectacular place…

We wanted to say a huge thankyou to Doug and maria for a wonderful day!

Join us next time as we head South again to the Canaries and on to the Cape Verde Islands!