Season 2022

Follow us as we leave the UK, and sail south, cross the Atlantic and cruise the Caribbean!

06 February 2022

Getting Azimuth ready to go

Fixing Stuff Sailing last summer was a wonderful experience! It is hard to describe what it feels like to have the freedom to roam wherever you want without time pressures and free from the other burdens of life. We think…

06 February 2022
01 April 2022

A Trip to Plymouth

Ailsa and I were over the moon to be asked to go on a cruise from Portishead to Plymouth to help out our friends Harriet and Dom move their boat Budge to their new home to Kings Point marina in…

01 April 2022
21 April 2022

Fixing the rigging.

The standing rigging on Azimuth was about 15 years old. This is all the stainless steel wires that hold the mast up and take the strain when she is sailing and heeled hard over. We always had it in the…

21 April 2022
01 July 2022

The Leaving of Portishead!

Well, it finally happened! Its been a rollercoaster ride getting to the 1st of July, when we left the dock for the final time from our berth in Portishead and headed out through the lock. All the years of preparation,…

01 July 2022
13 July 2022

From Portishead to Kinsale

The journey so far from Portishead to Kinsale has been a lot of fun. I think we are getting in to the swing of things and the nerves of leaving the UK have diminished over the last week. Its dawning…

13 July 2022
22 July 2022

Roaring Water Bay

Its a great name isn’t it? And we will tell anyone who will listen what an awesome place this part of Southern Ireland is! You have scenery to die for. Little villages and towns that line the shores and welcome…

22 July 2022
01 August 2022

Slán Éire

Well it’s been alot of fun revisiting Ireland again. Its getting close to the time to move and head South towards Spain. We are now back in Kinsale, and spending our time fixing bits and pieces, checking the weather daily…

01 August 2022
13 August 2022

Biscay Dismay?

It was one of the passages that we were nervous about. The good old Bay of Biscay, which has a fearsome reputation amongst sailors, and it was to be our first proper ocean voyage in Azimuth. Forget crossing the Irish…

13 August 2022
19 August 2022

Costa da Morte

Apparently this coast earned its name from the hundreds of shipwrecks on the sharp jagged headlands pounded by the Atlantic Ocean ….. throw in the modern phenomena of sailboats being attacked by Orcas round here and we think the name…

19 August 2022
28 August 2022

Rias and Sangrias

We last left you in Muros, having survived the coast of death. Since then we have continued to move ever southwards and taken in a couple more of the Spanish Ria’s. The Rias truly are safe havens from the might…

28 August 2022
03 September 2022


Last time we left you in Baiona. It was time to head head further South and explore the Portuguese coastline. First stop Porto! We were excited about seeing this place and we were not disappointed. In fact we liked it…

03 September 2022
14 September 2022

Migraine, Sea Sickness, Broken Toe and Sunburn!

Hi again everyone! Since we last left you in Porto, we have been busy sailing south again down the Atlantic coast of Portugal. As I write this we are hiding out in the Sado river estuary as a big Atlantic…

14 September 2022
25 September 2022

Very Moorish

Last time we left you we were hunkered down waiting for an Atlantic blow to pass. Eventually the wind went in the right direction again, and it was time to head South again and make our way down the final…

25 September 2022
09 October 2022

Cadiz & Gibraltar

We left you last time in Portugal. This time we head further east and cross in to the Mediterranean. First stop the Spanish port of Cadiz. Waiting for the right wind always pays off and we had a wonderful downwind…

09 October 2022
21 October 2022

Porto Santo

Last time we left you in Gibraltar and after waiting quite a few days in La Linea where we got some boat jobs done, finally we had a weather window for the 570 mile journey to the Madeira Archipelago. we…

21 October 2022
13 November 2022

Cloud Walking

last time we left you in Porto Santo. In this post we will tell you about our last couple of weeks in Madeira. We left Porto Santo as the wind turned west and had a run in with a French…

13 November 2022
20 November 2022

Madeira to Cape Verde

Last time we left you in Madeira, and its been a while since we updated you all with our progress. Life has been pretty hectic, so its nice to catch up and tell you a bit more about our adventures….

20 November 2022
01 December 2022

Cape Verde – No Stress!

Last time we left you we had just arrived in the Cape Verde after a six day sail from Lanzarote. In the post we will tell you about the stress free life in the Cape Verdes … or is that…

01 December 2022
22 December 2022

Atlantic Crossing

Last time we left you in Mindelo in Cape Verde, just about to set off across the Atlantic to Martinique. In this post, we will tell you about what it was actually like to do the crossing. The North Atlantic…

22 December 2022
25 December 2022

Merry Xmas & Happy New Year

Hi everyone! Wanted to wish all of you who have followed us on our blog a very happy Christmas and a wonderful New Year. We are really very lucky this year to be celebrating in Martinique. We have our family…

25 December 2022
01 January 2024

Exploring the San Blas Islands

Last time we left you we were still in Cartagena in Colombia. It was time to pull up the anchor and set sail for Panama. We visited our local supermarket to stock up on supplies. As far as we had…

01 January 2024

4 Replies to “Season 2022”

  1. Hey Azimuth, the orientation on the map seems a little odd. Mumbles lighthouse is showing to the South rather than the North and you have arrived there from the West rather than the East. Can follow it at present but could pose issues when you are somewhere I don’t know.

    1. Looks right to me dad! Mumbles light house is to the south. Try zooming out a little and see what you think. I cant seem to se the zoom level here on the website. Dom

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