Panama to Marquesas, French Polynesia Day 25
Hi again. A quick update for you on our progress. We have been making good time the last few days, averaging about 150 miles a day. The seas are pretty rough and side on to us, so its rolly onboard. Lots of stuff flying about and annoying noises! Still, we take the rough with the smooth. This is proper trade wind sailing now, with winds of between 15 and 22 knots and seas of about 2 to 3m swell. That might sound big, but the wavelengths in the Pacific are very long and so its much more gentle than it would be in the Atlantic.
Here’s our position today as of 1740 local time. We are now in time zone UTC-8, which is 9 hours behind the UK.
So if we carry on at our present rate, we should be arriving in the Marquesas on April 26th.
Here’s a few pictures from life onboard. Crew are happy and relaxed, and we are getting excited now about the prospect of landfall!

Catch you again soon!
Dom & Ailsa on Azimuth.
We’d like to change the channel back to 24 hour squid attack news but we can’t find the button?
Coming soon … attack of the killer dolphins?!
We all wish we were with you enjoying the sea breeze. Keep the pictures and updates coming 😊xx
Good Sailing, looks like you got your sea legs and no more sea sickness?
No seasickness for a while now! Fingers crossed we both are ok. We are rocking at anchor all the time. I think we are now officially sea gypsies, land feels quite alien!